Multinode Treepicker

Alias: Limbo.Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker
Name: Limbo Multinode Treepicker

The package contains a single property editor, that extends Umbraco's default Multinode Treeepicker property editor, and works in a similar way, but with some additional functionality.

Data Type

Since the property editor works like the one in Umbraco, most of the options in the data type are inherited from Umbraco.

Item Converter

Limbo.Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker adds an option for selecting an item converter. By default, the multinode treepicker will return the selected items as IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> (or IPublishedContent if a single picker).

The item converter is a custom C# class that let's you convert the IPublishedContent instances to something else.