Property Editors


Limbo Block List - found in Limbo.Umbraco.BlockList (Umbraco 8+)
Extends Umbraco's build-in block list property editor with an optional converter to control the CLR type returned by block list properties.



Limbo Mediapicker - found in Limbo.Umbraco.MediaPicker (Umbraco 10+)
Extends Umbraco's build-in media picker property editors with an optional converter to control the CLR type returned by media picker properties.

Limbo Multinode Treepicker - found in Limbo.Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker (Umbraco 10+)
Extends Umbraco's build-in multinode treepicker property editor with an optional converter to control the CLR type returned by multinode treepicker properties.

Limbo URL Picker - found in Limbo.Umbraco.UrlPicker (Umbraco 10+)
Extends Umbraco's default Multi URL Picker property editor by adding an extra converter option to control the CLR type returned by URL picker properties.



Inbound redirects - found in Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects (Umbraco 7+)
Lets users manage inbound redirects that have the current page or media item as destination.

Outbound redirect - found in Skybrud.Umbraco.Redirects (Umbraco 7+)
Lets users add an outbound redirect to a page in Umbraco.



Boost Words - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Search.BackOffice (Umbraco 9+)
Lets users add boost words or synonyms to a page to improve it's ranking in internal searches.



Sitemap Change Frequency - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Seo (Umbraco 8+)

Sitemap Priority - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Seo (Umbraco 8+)

SEO Preview - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Seo (Umbraco 8+)



Limbo Structured Data - found in Limbo.Umbraco.StructuredData (Umbraco 9)

Limbo Tables - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Tables (Umbraco 10+)



Limbo RTE - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Rte (Umbraco 9+)
Extends Umbraco's build-in rich text editor (TinyMCE) with a processors option that lets developers modify the saved property value before being returned.

Limbo Textbox - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Textbox (Umbraco 10+)
Extended textbox property editor with support for character limits, placeholder text, fallback values and more.

Limbo Textarea - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Textbox (Umbraco 10+)
Extended textarea property editor with support for character limits, placeholder text, fallback values and more.



Limbo Time - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Time (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo Date - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Time (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo Date & Time - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Time (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo Unix Timestamp - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Time (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo Opening Hours - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Time (Umbraco 10+)



Limbo DreamBroker Video - found in Limbo.Umbraco.DreamBroker (Umbraco 9+)

Limbo Skyfish Video - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Skyfish (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo TwentyThree Video - found in Limbo.Umbraco.TwentyThree (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo Vimeo Video - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Vimeo (Umbraco 9+)

Limbo YouTube Video - found in Limbo.Umbraco.YouTube (Umbraco 9+)



Limbo Boolean - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Boolean (Umbraco 10+)

Limbo Separator - found in Limbo.Umbraco.Separator (Umbraco 10+)