Getting a video by its ID

The GetVideos has a number of different overloads for getting a list of videos. If you need to get information about a specific video, you can pass on the video ID as the only parameter.

If a matching video is found, the response will be a list containing only the requested video. If not found, the YouTube API will still respond with a 200 OK status code, and an empty list.

@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube
@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube.Models.Videos
@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube.Responses.Videos
@inherits Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorPage<Skybrud.Social.Google.GoogleHttpService>


    // Make the request to the YouTube API
    YouTubeVideoListResponse response = Model.YouTube().Videos.GetVideos("dQw4w9WgXcQ");

    // Iterate through the videos
    foreach (YouTubeVideo item in response.Body.Items) {

        <hr />
        <p>ID: @item.Id</p>
        <p>Title: @item.Snippet?.Title</p>




The video object consists of different parts, where only the snippet part is returned by default, which among other things, constains the title of the video.

If you need the duration of the video, you should also request the contentDetails part as well. And to get the video's view count, you should also request the statistics part.

One of the GetVideos method overloads takes an instance of YouTubeGetVideoListOptions, which allows for more advanced use cases. Using this, the example below illustrates how to get the video information including the snippet, contentDetails and statistics parts:

@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube
@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube.Models.Videos
@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube.Options.Videos
@using Skybrud.Social.Google.YouTube.Responses.Videos
@inherits Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorPage<Skybrud.Social.Google.GoogleHttpService>


    // Initialize the options for the request to the API
    YouTubeGetVideoListOptions options = new() {
        Ids = new List<string> { "dQw4w9WgXcQ" },
        Part = YouTubeVideoParts.Snippet + YouTubeVideoParts.ContentDetails + YouTubeVideoParts.Statistics

    // Make the request to the YouTube API
    YouTubeVideoListResponse response = Model.YouTube().Videos.GetVideos(options);

    // Iterate through the videos
    foreach (YouTubeVideo item in response.Body.Items) {

        <hr />
        <p>ID: @item.Id</p>
        <p>Title: @item.Snippet?.Title</p>
        <p>Duration: @item.ContentDetails?.Duration</p>
        <p>Views: @item.Statistics?.ViewCount</p>

