Documentation - Limbo.Umbraco.Spa

SPA (single page application) package for Umbraco 9+.


Rewriting the appHost parameter

For requests to the GetData end point, developers can specify an appHost parameter indicating the domain / host name of the inbound request. If not specified, the actual host name of the inbound request is used instead.

Normally the host name of the inbound request is the one you want to use, but in scenarios where multiple sites in the same solution all use the same API domain, or the backend is behind a reverse proxy, the appHost parameter may differ from the actual host name.

In such cases, it might be important that the backend sees the host name specified appHost instead of the host name of the request. This can done by adding the following lines to the Configure methond in your solution's Startup.cs file:

app.UseRewriter(new RewriteOptions()

And then adding this method to the Startup class as well:

  private static void RewriteAppHost(RewriteContext context) {
      HttpRequest request = context.HttpContext.Request;
      if (!request.Query.TryGetString("appHost", out string? appHost)) return;
      context.Result = RuleResult.SkipRemainingRules;
      request.Host = new HostString(appHost);

For a reverse proxy, this means that if the user accesses the proxy through, the appHost parameter with a value of is sent to the site behind the proxy, so that site will see the requested host name as rather than something like

SpaRequestHelper class

The package features a SpaRequestHelper which is the primary compontent responsible for generating the response for the GetData endpoint. When requesting a page in the SPA setup, there are a number of methods the helper goes through. The methods can be divided into three overall groups.

When looking at a single request, the methods in the first group are always invoked. If micro caching is enabled and the page is already in the cache, the methods in group two will be skipped. The third group offers a method to do anything at the very end of the page flow.

The methods listed below are all virtual, meaning you can create a custom class extending the SpaRequestHelper class, and then override the methods that you need.

First group

  • InitArguments
    Responsible for initializing an instance of SpaRequestOptions wrapping some of the parameters passed to the GetData endpoint as well as reading from the package's configuration. Generally you should use the UpdateArguments method if you only need to change some of the arguments, while the InitArguments method can be used if you want to use a custom class that extends the default SpaRequestOptions class.

  • UpdateArguments
    Let's you modify the SpaRequestOptions instance created by the InitArguments.

  • ReadFromCache
    Tries to read the current page from the internal micro cache - based on the cache key specified by the SpaRequestOptions instance.

Second group

  • InitSite
    Responsible for resolving the IPublishedContent representing the current site.

  • PostInitSite
    Let's you hook into the page flow right after the InitSite method has been called.

  • PreContentLookup
    Let's you hook into the page flow right before the ContentLookup method is called.

  • ContentLookup
    Method for resolving the IPublishedContent representing the current page.

  • PostContentLookup
    Let's you hook into the page flow right after the ContentLookup method has been called. A good place to handle virtual content.

  • PreSetupCulture
    Let's you hook into the page flow right before the SetupCulture method is called.

  • SetupCulture
    Method for resolving the IPublishedContent representing the current culture, if any.

  • PostSetupCulture
    Let's you hook into the page flow right after the SetupCulture method has been called. A good place to handle virtual content.

  • InitSiteModel
    Method responsible for creating the SpaSiteModel returned for the site part in the GetData endpoint.

  • HandleNotFound
    Method responsible the handling when the requested URL doesn't match an existing page. This method is also responsible for handling redirects - although this is further handled by the HandleInboundRedirects method.

  • InitContentModel
    Method responsible for creating the SpaContentModel returned for the content part in the GetData endpoint.

  • InitDataModel
    Method responsible for creating the SpaDataModel representing the root object returned for tby the GetData endpoint.

  • InitNavigationModel
    Method responsible for creating the SpaNavigationModel returned for the navigation part in the GetData endpoint.

  • InitCustomModels
    Here if you need to do something custom on the SpaDataModel model.

  • PrePushToCache
    Method called right before the SpaDataModel is pushed to the cache.

  • PushToCache
    Method responsible for pushing the SpaDataModel to the cache.

Third group

  • RaisinInTheSausageEnd
    As suggested by the name, this method is called at the very end of the page flow.

GetData endpoint

For legacy reasons, the SPA GetData is available at the following URLs:


All four URLs support both GET and OPTIONS requests.


  • appHost
    The host name of the frontend request. The host name of the API request is used as fallback if not specified.

  • appProtocol
    The prococol of the frontend request. The protocol of the API request is used as fallback if not specified.

  • parts
    A comma separated value indentifying the parts to be returned by the API. Possible values are site, navigation and content. All three parts are returned if not specified.

  • url
    The URL of the requested page. May be omitted if both siteId and pageId are specified.

  • navContext
    A boolean value indicating whether the navigation.context object should be returned.

  • navLevels
    The maximum level to return for items in the navigation.context object.

  • siteId
    The ID of the site. Must be specified when using pageId instead of url.

  • pageId
    The ID of the requested page - may be used as an alternative to url.

  • culture
    As culture code of the current culture. Only relevant when working culture variant content.

  • cache
    A boolean flag indicating whether micro caching should be enabled.