Version 1.1.31

Date 2021-10-17 (958 days ago)
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Target Frameworks .NET Standard 1.1 .NET Standard 1.3 .NET Standard 2.0 .NET 4.5 .NET 4.6 .NET 4.7 .NET 4.8



  • Introduced new GetFlags enum extension method (see a8fdbd2)
    The new GetFlags method takes a enum value with the [Flags] attribute and returns each flag individual instances.

  • Introduced new utility and extension methods for converting a collection of enums to a given case (see a8fdbd2)
    The package already contains methods for converting a single enum value to a textual representation using given case. The new methods takes a collection of enum values, and returns a comma separated string with the textual representation of each enum value in the collection.

  • Introduced new ToHashSet extension methods (see e6816e3)
    The two extension methods allow for method chaining, which may make code more readable - opposed to having to call the HashSet<T> constructor manually.

  • Added new EnumerableExtensions.GetReverse extension method for getting the opposite value of a SortOrder value (see 6b078ee)
    Allows turning SortOrder.Ascending into SortOrder.Descending, or SortOrder.Descending into SortOrder.Ascending.

  • Introduced new StringUtils.FirstWithValue utility methods (see 0d434c9 and de4e191)
    Both overloads return the first value that is not either null, empty or whitespace.

  • Introduced new StringExtensions.Join extension methods for the System.String class (see 2fb0d42)
    Using the extension methods instead of the string.Join method allows for method chaining.

  • Fixed indices typo for StringUtils.ToPlural and StringUtils.ToSingular methods (see e5f04b1)
    The word indices was incorrectly spelled indeces - also in the unit tests, resulting in this issue going unnoticed until now.

  • Introduced StringUtils.ToPlural method overloads (see d0965fb)
    The two new methods allow specifying either a count or a boolean to indicate whether the returned value should be plural or singular.