Getting information about a user

In the users endpoint, the GetUser method can be used to lookup information about specific users. You can request information about a given user either based on their ID or their screen name. For the user ID, this can be done as:

@using Skybrud.Social.Twitter.Responses.Users
@inherits WebViewPage<Skybrud.Social.Twitter.TwitterService>


    // Make the call to the API
    TwitterGetUserResponse response = Model.Users.GetUser(319219802);

    // Write out some information about the user
    <pre>ID: @response.Body.Id</pre>
    <pre>Screen name: @response.Body.ScreenName</pre>
    <pre>Name: @response.Body.Name</pre>
    <pre>Followers: @response.Body.FollowersCount</pre>
    <pre>Following: @response.Body.FriendsCount</pre>
    <pre>Statuses: @response.Body.StatusesCount</pre>

or for the screen name as:

@using Skybrud.Social.Twitter.Responses.Users
@inherits WebViewPage<Skybrud.Social.Twitter.TwitterService>


    // Make the call to the API
    TwitterGetUserResponse response = Model.Users.GetUser("abjerner");

    // Write out some information about the user
    <pre>ID: @response.Body.Id</pre>
    <pre>Screen name: @response.Body.ScreenName</pre>
    <pre>Name: @response.Body.Name</pre>
    <pre>Followers: @response.Body.FollowersCount</pre>
    <pre>Following: @response.Body.FriendsCount</pre>
    <pre>Statuses: @response.Body.StatusesCount</pre>

If you instead wish to get information about the authenticated user, but don't already know the user ID or screen name of the user, you can instead use the VerifyCredentials method in the accounts endpoint. You can read more about this on the page shown below: